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Panchgani Health Resort Pvt. Ltd
9, Beverly Hills, New Panchgani
Panchgani - 412805

From INR 3301
Total Rooms: 33
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{Images shown are not verified and are for representative purpose only}


Lush Green Valley, Panoramic mountains and cool, crisp air Feels like Switzerland, doesnt it well yes it is, panchgani, the switzerland of India, renowned for its pollution free air, pleasant climate and verdant environment. Conveniently situated and easily accessible from mumbai and pune, we have built a Health resort for your good health and longevity, ( no more waiting, no more queues till you get enrolled in health centre which are far away from your home.) Our specially trained and qualified dieticians will look after your diet and our modern well equipped gymnasium will look after your exercises. Green garden , fresh vegetables and fruits are grown in our farm without the use of chemicals, "Non-organic". All with the choice of vegetarian cuisine. We have 33 Luxurious self-contained rooms with all modern amenities, designed to suit your impeccable tastes. and bet of all your family is welcome too, while you are with us. So we take 7 days from your busy life and we add 7 years to it. a magnanimous offer and a great deal. Dont you agree?

Services available at Panchgani Health Resort Pvt. Ltd are

LaundryValetDoctor on CallSafeCable Television
TV Remote Control    

Panchgani Health Resort Pvt. Ltd has multi-cuisine restaurant that serves

Only Veg

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